Friday, November 04, 2005

Seth Elisha Furnas, Sr. ~ President Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of the Friends Home, Inc.

Seth Elisha Furnas, Sr. (b. December 4, 1889-d. January 16, 1974) was the son of Edwin S. (Satterthwaite) and Harriet Emma (Underwood) Furnas. Edwin S. Furnas was the youngest son of Davis Furnas.

Seth Sr. was a successful farmer, first on the Furnas Homestead Northeast of Corwin, Ohio, and after 1923, on his farm located in Montgomery County on Social Row Road. He married Sara Minerva Hill on June 9, 1920. They had two children: Sara Corinne [Furnas] Cook and Seth Elisha Furnas, Jr.

Seth E. Furnas, Sr. served on the boards of directors of the Waynesville National Bank and the Miami Cemetery Association. He was a member of the Waynesville Farmers Club for many years and was president for two years. He was the president of the Warren County Historical Society for two years. He served as the president of The Friends Boarding Home for many years. Upon his death on January 16, 1974, the Board of Directors of Friends Home, Inc. made this statement:

The Trustees of the Friends Home, Inc. records with sorrow the death of its President Emeritus, Seth E. Furnas Sr. on January 16, 1974. Seth Furnas Sr. was a Friend who gave much of his life to the Religious Society of Friends as teacher, minister, historian and genealogist and in many other ways in Miami Monthly Meeting and Indiana yearly Meeting, F.G.C. We especially remember Seth E. Furnas Sr. for the 53 years he served as a member of the Board of the Friends Home, Inc. He became a member of the Board in 1916 when the Corporation was only 12 years old. When he retired from the Board in 1969 he was named President Emeritus after serving faithfully for years as its President. During those years of faithful service to the Friends Home, he helped establish for it a reputation of excellence, which was recognized by many, including some Friends who made this Corporation a beneficiary of their will. It was therefore, as a result of these gifts, that this Board has been given the wonderful opportunity to expand the services of the Friends Home to more people and in new ways. His interest in this Home was an example to all Board members and trustees who follow him to give generously of ourselves to the growth and continuance of that to which he so willingly gave (Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Friends Home, Inc, January 25, 1974).


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5:04 PM  

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